Buyer Protection

If an eligible item that you’ve bought online doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, PayPal's Buyer Protection may reimburse you for the full amount of the item plus postage. Buyer Protection can cover your eligible online purchases, on eBay or on any other website, when you use PayPal. Conditions apply.

More about Buyer Protection.

For more information on the specific terms of the Buyer Protection applying to you, see our User Agreement.

What's Covered?

Physical goods that can be posted and which do not violate PayPal policies. Here are a few examples of situations where an item doesn’t match the seller’s description: You bought a book and got a DVD, you bought a new item but got something that was used, you bought 3 items but only got 2, the item was damaged during delivery, the item is missing major parts (that the seller didn’t disclose), or you purchased an authentic brand but got a fake instead.

What's not Covered?

Intangible items like services, real estate, motorized vehicles (of any kind), custom made items, travel tickets, industrial machinery (for manufacturing), prepaid or gift cards, anything you buy in person, or items that violate PayPal's policies or eBay’s policies.


If an item doesn’t arrive or doesn't match the description, and your payment is eligible, we’ll reimburse the full cost of eligible purchases paid, including shipping costs.

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Seller Protection

If you are sent an unauthorized payment – for example, from a hacked account – or a buyer claims through PayPal's Buyer Protection Program that they didn't receive their item, our Seller Protection policy may cover you for the full amount of the payment on eligible sales.

For more information, see our User Agreement.