PayPal makes selling on social platforms a breeze.

Whether you’re selling on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram, or reselling your collectibles through a hobbyist forum, PayPal offers you a faster and easier way to close your deal.

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Own a website? Explore our payment options

Widely trusted

44% of customers are more likely to trust businesses that accept PayPal*. Your PayPal account helps you close more sales by giving you access to millions of PayPal customers across the globe.

More secure

We monitor transactions 24/7, plus we keep your customers’ and your financial details private.

Better protection

PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.

Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.


It’s quick and easy to set up. Manage your account on the go and you can start receiving payments right away and do business anywhere.

Get paid on social platforms with a simple link.

With PayPal.Me, you can forget the hassle of building an online shop or setting up payment options. Simply create a personalized link and share it with your customers to get paid.

Quick and easy to set up.

Turn every conversation into closed deals.

Get paid the easier and safer way.

How PayPal.Me works


Create a customised link

Enter your desired username to create your personalised PayPal.Me link.

For example: PayPal.Me/DeniTan


Share your link

Share your link with the amount appended with your customers to request a payment.

For example, use PayPal.Me/businessname/25 to request $25.


Get paid

Customers click the link, log in to PayPal and complete the payment. The payment shows up in your PayPal account shortly after it’s sent.

Get a Personalized Link

Straightforward pricing.

No account, set-up or cancellation fees. We charge set rates based on how much you sell.

More about Seller Fees

Grab your business opportunities

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