Resolve a problem with a sale.

PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.

Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.


We’ll email you if a dispute is raised and place a temporary hold on the funds.


You can communicate with the buyer in the Resolution Center.


If the dispute can’t be resolved in 20 days, escalate it to a claim for our review.

Communication is key.

Your customers may dispute a transaction due to failure to receive an item they’ve ordered, or they received an item that is significantly different from your description. Sometimes, a dispute may also arise from unauthorized activities in their accounts. In most cases, communication is key when working to reduce the likelihood of claims, disputes and chargebacks. Here’re a few tips to help you along.

Improve customer satisfaction

  • Be accurate with your item’s description and provide as much details as possible
  • Posts items quickly and track the shipment. Provide your customer with the delivery tracking number, so they know when to expect their item too
  • Update your credit card statement name so that your customers can recognize it on their credit card statements.
  • Respond to queries and issues quickly
  • Display your returns policy clearly

Resolve an unauthorized claim

  • If the buyer claims a purchase was made without their consent, review the claim and provide a response within 7 days. We’ll investigate the claim and help resolve the issue
  • If the order has not been shipped, you can simply refund the payment and show us the proof of the refund
  • If the order has been shipped, provide us with a copy of your shipping receipt or online tracking number so we can evaluate your eligibility for Seller Protection. Please ensure that the address on the shipping receipt matches the customer’s address listed on the PayPal Transaction Details page

What happens next?

  1. If a dispute is escalated to a claim, we’ll inform you via email.
  2. We’ll review the issue and gather additional information from both you and the buyer. Keep your proof of shipment and/or delivery handy.
  3. Most claims are investigated within 10-14 days or less. In a minority of cases, we may require up to 30 days to decide the outcome of a claim. No refund or reversal will be required if the final decision rules in your favour. Otherwise, we may reverse the payment from your account, depending on your eligibility for Seller Protection.

Seller Protection

PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.

Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.