What is PayPal Checkout and how can I get paid using this solution?

Add seamless checkouts to your site for better sales conversion

If you want to give your customers a more seamless shopping and checkout experience, PayPal Checkout is for you. This option allows you to receive payments more securely while keeping shoppers on your website or mobile app without needing to jump to the PayPal checkout page to complete a purchase. A few clicks or taps is all that is needed from purchase to payment. You can even personalise the experience to make shopping more integrated with your brand.

What is PayPal Checkout?

PayPal Checkout helps increase checkout conversion rates by allowing consumers the ability to bypass the tedious tasks of filling out their shipping, billing, and bank account information. A recent ComScore study reveals the increase to be up to 47%—61% higher than sites that didn't. Like Website Payments Solution, there are no monthly or setup fees. You only pay when a sale is made.

How does PayPal Checkout work?

When customers confirm their order, they pay via a pop-up PayPal checkout flow where they can choose to sign in to their account if they have one. Once they have reviewed and completed their purchases, they’ll be brought back to your page. You can also personalise the checkout process to keep it consistent with the rest of their shopping experience.

PayPal Checkout Work

How do I get started?

Before you start, you will need to activate your account. Once you’re done with this step, adding PayPal Checkout to your website is pretty simple.

Step 1: If you want to let your customers pay without a PayPal account, make sure you have the first option selected.

Payment Setup

Step 2: Choose how you want to integrate payment onto your website.

Integrated Payments

If you already have a shopping cart in place, follow the steps from the provider’s guides to enable PayPal payment. PayPal is commonly pre-integrated with major shopping carts. Some of the partners we work with are featured below, with the full list in our directory. You can also try out a demo or check out our global community forums to see what others have done.

Partners logo

Step 3: If you do not have a shopping cart, you can add the button directly onto your website.

Adding the PayPal Checkout button to your website will require some knowledge on programming language. We have a guide for developers on how this can be done that also shows how you can customise the look to suit your style. If you want to make checking out even faster for your customers by skipping the shopping cart, simply add the button to your product pages.

That’s it! You’re done. If you haven’t, get PayPal Checkout for your website now.

Useful Resources

How to get started, manage your PayPal transactions, withdraw funds and more.

All the benefits you can get. Sell globally with secure transactions, fast access to funds, and more.

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