Get paid faster with Email Payments.

Whether it’s for a job you did or an item you sold, with PayPal, all you need is your customer’s email address to send a payment request.

Sign Up NowRequest Payment now

Not a business? Go to our Personal page.

Simplify how you get paid.

Direct payments

Send a request for payment with your customer’s email address. Your customers will get an email notification.

Simple for your customer

They can pay either using a PayPal account (if they have one), bank account, or with their credit or debit card.

You’re protected

PayPal protects your business so you can focus on what you’re doing.

Accept 25 currencies and major payment types including PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, UnionPay, Citibank, and Discover

Accept partial payments – great for deposits or instalments

Track and manage payments, and send reminders

Send a to multiple recipients at the same time

See the payment instantly in your account when it's paid

Business analytics and reporting

Seller Protection for goods and services